Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Welcome to the website of Ramnode. Ramnode provides a centralized application programming interface (API) messaging system that lets developers route user notifications across multiple existing channels to the best web and mobile application for the recipient.


This Privacy Policy explains what Personal Information (defined below) we collect, how we use and share that information, and your choices concerning our information practices. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and forms part of our Terms of Service.


Before using the Service or submitting any Personal Information to Courier, please review this Privacy Policy carefully and contact us if you have any questions. By using the Service, you agree to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not access the Site or otherwise use the Service.


This privacy policy contains Ramnode treatment of personally identifiable information collected by Ramnode through a website and a Mobile app Owned and operated by Ramnode itself. This privacy policy does not apply to the practices of companies that Ramnode does not own or control, or of persons that Ramnode does not employ or manage.

Collection and Use of Personal Data

You can visit the websites of Ramnode without providing any personal information. However, our website & app needs certain personal information if you wish to take our Services. Where required, We may collect your information with your concern to provide our service. Ramnode will use this information to reply to your inquiries, to provide you with requested services.

Collection and Use of Non-Personal Data

Ramnode automatically collects some of your non-personal information to maintain the services you are taking from us. We are not sharing those nonpersonal data like browser cookies, IP addresses, or system information with any third-party company. However, Our website and app just use that information to make sure the quality and reliability of the service.

Data Sharing and Disclosure

Ramnode may also share your personal data with employees who working on behalf of Ramnode to deliver services asked by you. We will proportion personal data for those functions handiest with our personnel whose privacy policy & regulations are regular with ours or who comply with abide with the aid of using our regulations with admire to non-public data.

Your Consent

If you do not consent to the collection, use or sharing of your personal information as outlined in this policy, please do not provide any personal information to Ramnode, if you have provided personal information to Ramnode and no longer consent to its use or disclosure as outlined herein, please contact Courier at

Data Security

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be considered 100% secure. However, your Ramnode Information is protected for your privacy and security. In some areas of our websites, as identified on the site, ST Courier uses industry-standard SSL encryption to protect data transmissions. We also safeguard your personal information from unauthorized access, through access control procedures, network firewalls, and physical security measures. Further, ST Courier retains your personal information only as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes identified above or as required by law.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Ramnode may at any time, without notice to you and in its sole discretion, amend this policy occasionally. Please review this policy periodically. Your continued use of ST Courier websites and/or apps after any such amendments signifies your acceptance thereof.


If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or information practices, please feel free to contact us at our designated request address: